Small Business is OUR Business
The Voice of Small Business in Pinehurst
Pinehurst Alliance of Retailers, Restaurants, Realtors, Services & SMA's (PARS), is in it's first year, as a non-profit 501c6 membership organization that serves as the nonpartisan advocate and resource-hub for all Pinehurst small businesses.
PARS is a passionate supporter and representative of the diverse businesses who make up our membership. Dedicated to delivering innovative entrepreneurs the resources required to grow and thrive in an ever-changing marketplace, PARS offers relevant education, mentoring, networking, advocacy programs, and member benefits that equip your business with all the tools to succeed.
Regardless of your business size or industry, whether you have one employee or 500 employees, operate in retail or technology or any trade in-between, a PARS membership means your voice is heard and your best interests are protected within the greater Pinehurst area.

Serving Small Business is OUR Business
The Mission of PARS is to foster and empower a thriving Pinehurst small business community by offering relevant, dynamic, and innovative resources and the highest level of advocacy as THE VOICE of small business in Pinehurst. To develop a strong support system and network for business owners throughout the Pinehurst Area, strengthening member businesses.
We serve our members and community through integrity, respect, and a commitment to their success in achieving meaningful results.
• Success for the local business community
• Community involvement for PARS and our members
• Collaboration with our members and other community organizations
• Integrity in all that we do
• Diversity in our membership and our affiliations
• Educate the public about cultural and economic benefits of buying
• Promote PARS and our members businesses to the public
• Grow PARS to be recognized as the voice of local business
• Advocate to local government on behalf of our members about issues
of concern to local business
• Promote, encourage, support, and sustain continued entrepreneurism
in the local community
What PARS Offers
We strive to bring relevant education opportunities to help the everyday business owner improve their business knowledge, solve problems, and ultimately become more successful.
Our Benefits:
Resource Alerts
Member Savings
Financial Resources
Local Small Business Newsletter
We will use Local talent to solve local challenges - no outside consultants
Note: SME's are enterprises with 500 or fewer employees and/or have
less than $10 Million in revenues
PARS Administration
PARS Board of Directors

Note: Dropdown menu for this link will include PARS Contact and PARS Supporting Partners

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