PARS is a self supporting non-profit 501c6 membership based organization. Annual membership dues, partner contributions, advertising opportunities, available grants, donations, annual golf tournament and other funding sources all support the PARS organization and help to make it a viable and effective resource for its members and the Pinehurst community.

Serving Small Business is OUR Business
Note: Dropdown menu for this link will include PARS Business Development | Business Operations | 589 Co SME Funding |
Insurance & Employee Benefits | Marketing & Media | Technology

What PARS Offers
We strive to bring relevant education opportunities to help the everyday business owner improve their business knowledge, solve problems, and ultimately become more successful.
Our Benefits:
Resource Alerts
Member Savings
Financial Resources
Local Small Business Newsletter

Annual Membership Dues
PARS Regular Membership is for businesses/enterprises located in Pinehurst - an Associate Member (non-voting) status is offered to businesses with an address outside Pinehurst who have services or support reaching into Pinehurst. Associate Membership is also for "friends of Pinehurst." Although PARS is supportive of activities, businesses and communities outside of Pinehurst, PARS main focus is on support of small businesses and actitivies within Pinehurst.
PARS is a member of The National Federation of Independent Business and certain NFIB benefits will accrue to PARS members. PARS is also a member of American Independent Business Alliance which supports our "buy local" campaigns and provides organizational support to our 501(c)(6); Local First, supporting advertising, workshops, seminars, conferences, and industry-leading research; Institute for Local Self-Reliance, supporting implementing policies that constrain the market power of larger retailers, eliminate tax loopholes and public subsidies that give them an unfair advantage, revitalize neighborhood commercial districts, and strengthen and rebuild independent businesses; National Association for the Self-Employed, provides day-to-day support, including direct access to experts, benefits, and consolidated buying power that traditionally had been available only to large corporations; and The 3/50 Project whose mission is to strengthen independent brick and mortar businesses. Who benefits?...the Greater Pinehurst area local business members and the Pinehurst community at large!
PARS ownes/maintains and recieves supporting income from In Celebration of Pinehurst and is supported by 598 Company

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Your Savings from PARS consolidated buying power more than off-sets the cost of Membership
Become a Supporting PARS Partner
Become a Supporting PARS Partner